Brand |
Coding & Classification |
Product Description |
Typical Weld Metal Properties |
Chemical(%) |
Physical |
IS :814 ES :4122 |
A heavy coated,mild steel electrode giving a deposit of pure iron which is made highly resistant to corrosion by molten zinc.The weld Deposit is ductile with very low impurities.The arc is smooth and the slag is easily detachable. |
C--0.06 Mn--0.20 Si--0.02 |
YS :400N/mm2 UTS:500N/mm2 E :24%{L=4d} CVN at +20'C 60J |
IS :814 ER :4112 AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 6012 |
A medium rutile coated general purpose electrode for all position welding including vertical down with easy detachable slag.Used for welding in fabrication,ship building,storage tanks,busbodies,frame works etc., |
C--0.10 Mn--0.40 Si--0.15 |
YS :400N/mm2 UTS:480N/mm2 E :27%{L=4d} CVN at +20'C 60J |
IS :814 ER :4212 AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 6013 |
A medium coated,all position electrode with medium penetration,low spatter and easy detachable slag.Used for welding tanks,rails,coaches,boilers,ships,and various fabrication jobs.Operates in all positions including vertical down. |
C--0.10 Mn--0.40 Si--0.15 |
YS :400N/mm2 UTS:490N/mm2 E:26%{L=4d} CVN at 0'C 60J |
IS :814 ER :4222X AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 6013 |
A medium heavy coated,rutile type,all position electrode giving good penetration,low spatter,and easy peeling slag.Weld deposit is of radiographic quality.Application includes pressure pipes, tubes,boilers etc., Best suited for sheet metal welding |
C--0.08 Mn--0.45 Si--0.17 |
YS :390N/mm2 UTS:480N/mm2 E :28%{L=4d} CVN at 0'C 70J |
IS :814 ER :4222X AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 6013 |
A heavy coated, rutile type electrode giving radiographic welds with negligible spatter,very smooth arc and a self peeling slag.Can be used as a touch electrode and gives an excellent bead appearance.Ideal for automobile frames,storage tanks,rail coaches,boilers etc., |
C--0.08 Mn--0.45 Si--0.17 |
YS :390N/mm2 UTS:480N/mm2 E :29%{L=4d} CVN at 0'C 90J |
IS :814 ERR :5222XJ AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7014 |
An all position iron powder mild steel electrode giving radiographic welds.The deposition efficiency is 110% approx.An ideal mild steel electrode for obtaining higher welding output with very high current. |
C--0.08 Mn--0.60 Si--0.18 |
YS :450N/mm2 UTS:540N/mm2 E :26%{L=4d} CVN at 0'C 80J |
IS :814 ERR :5242XK AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7024 |
A super heavy coated, iron powder electrode having a metal recovery of 140% approx.Suitable for fast downhand and horizontal fillet welding giving excellent weld bead finish.Gives radiographic quality welds. |
C--0.08 Mn--0.80 Si--0.42 |
YS :470N/mm2 UTS:540N/mm2 E :26%{L=4d} CVN at 0'C 80J |
IS :814 EB 5426H3JX AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7018 |
wder type electrode with an extremly smooth arc,medium penetration and least spatter.Ideally suited for producing tough and ductile welds of radiographic quality on boilers,pressure vessels and heavy structures subjected to dynamic loading.Deposition efficiency is 115% approx. |
C--0.08 Mn--1.25 Si--0.42 |
YS :470N/mm2 UTS:550N/mm2 E :28%{L=4d} CVN at-30'C 70J |
IS :814 EB 5426H2X AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7016 |
A medium heavy coated,low hydrogen all position electrode giving X-ray quality welds for welding of mild steel,medium high tensile steel and low alloy steel.The deposit acts as a buffer before hardfacing and has excellent impact properties.Slag is quite easy to remove.Ideal for joining mild steel to cast steel and for depositing non-machinable welds on cast iron. |
C--0.08 Mn--1.20 Si--0.45 |
YS :490N/mm2 UTS:550N/mm2 E : 26%{L=4d} CVN at -30'c 100J |
IS :814 EB 5426H2X AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7016 |
A medium heavy coated,low hydrogen,all position electrode giving X-ray quality welds.Ideal for welding cast steel,steels with very high carbon and sulphur contents,low alloy steel and steels of unknown composition.Weld metal has high impact properties and high resistance to cracking |
C--0.08 Mn--1.00 Si--0.50 |
YS :450N/mm2 UTS:520N/mm2 E : 26%{L=4d} CVN at -30'c 80J |
IS :814 EB 5529H3JX AWS/SFA :A5.1 E 7018 - 1 |
An iron powder,low hydrogen type electrode giving radiographic welds with excellent impact properties at sub zero temperatures.Ideal for welding rigid restrained structures,pressure vessels,carbon steels etc., |
C--0.08 Mn--1.40 Si--0.18 |
YS :500N/mm2 UTS:550N/mm2 E :28%{L=4d} CVN at -46'C 50J |