We are into manufacturing of Low Alloy High Tensile Electrodes which are opted to match the properties and characteristics of the steel which is to be welded. Rather looking for the exact chemical composition of the steel. These low alloy electrodes have high tensile strength and the electrodes possess strength, corrosion resistance, toughness and creep which displays the superior quality raw material which have longevity factor. Clients can choose the apt strengths levels for the high quality low alloy welding electrodes.
ROYAL 8018 C2L (E8018 C2L)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 8018C2L IS : 1395 E55 BC22gFe
Description This one is medium heavy coated low hydrogen iron powder type electrodes and deposits 3.5% Ni in the weld metal. This is best suited to weld fine-grained steel, nickel steel and nickel alloy steel. Some of the properties are ductility, toughness and resistance to the service temperature at minus 80°C.. This electrode is low alloy high tensile which produces smooth arc with medium penetration and almost nil spatter. This one has the radiographic quality of weld deposit and is all position electrode. For best results this should be dried 1 hour before at 250 degree centigrade.
Typical Applications:It is used for welding of nickel alloy equipment, furnishing of pressure vessels, piping system, valves & tanks. It is also used for welding low temperature service for locomotive main frames, refineries pipelines.
ROYAL THERM (NI)SPL (E-8018G) ( Approved & Certified by: Engineers India Limited)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 8018G IS : 1395 E55 BG129Fe
Description We provide the electrode which is heavy coated low hydrogen iron powder which is used for welding in all positions. The one is used for welding steels which have high tensile strength which can be upto 70 Kg/mm2. It is also used to weld low alloy structural steel. The welding material have wonderful qualities like they are crack resistant and are radiographic.
Typical Applications:This one is used welding of grain refined steels, Structural fabrication, Penstocks, Q & T steel, HSLA steel and Tanks Pressure Vessels.
ROYAL CHROME - 2 (E9018-B3) ( Approved & Certified by :Engineers India Ltd.)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 9018B3 IS : 1395 E63 B-B3-26Fe
Description Under this category of electrode, we offer medium heavy coated low hydrogen iron powder which can be used for welding in all positions, it can also be used for welding of similar Cr-Mo steel. It can deposits upto 106% approximately. The weld metal is creep resistance upto 600 degree and is of radiographic quality. 2.25% Cr and 1.0% Mo which are given posses the excellent welding characteristics. For best results it should be heated and dried to 300°C.
Typical Applications: It is best suited for welding 1% Mo steels, low alloy steel boilers & pipeline operation, 2.25% Cr, to correct high tensile steel castings, pipelines for oil refinery, power plant at service temperature upto 600°C. It is also used to weld A 335-P11, Pipe A 387 Grade 11 Plate.
ROYAL E9018B3L (E9018G)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 9018B3L IS : 1395 E63 B-B3-26Fe
Description The medium heavy coated controlled Carbon we offer have low Hydrogen Iron powder type electrode which can be used for welding in all positions. It is used for welding of similar Cr-Mo steel. 106% approx is the deposition quality, radiographic quality and has creep resistance up to 600°C are the properties of this weld metal. 2.25% Cr and 1.0% Mo are the deposition which have excellent welding characteristics. The electrode should be dried and heated to 300°C for best results.
Typical Applications: It is suitable for welding 2.25% Cr, 1% Mo steels, low alloy steel boilers and pipeline operation, repair of high tensile steel castings, pipelines for oil refiners and power plant at service temperature up to 600°C. A335-P22 Pipe, A387 Gr. 2 Plate.
ROYAL THERM - 100 M (E10018M)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 10018M IS : 1395 E68 BM 229Fe
Description The medium heavy basic coated low hydrogen provided by us is a low alloy iron powder type electrode and this used for welding high tensile fully killed fine grained steel. The electrode have good welding characteristics and can easily weld in all position. It is of radiographic quality which can weld with easily removable slag and has outstanding toughness when the temperature is down to Minus 50°C. 112% is the deposition efficiency. In order to get the excellent results the electrodes should be dried at 350°C for 2 hours.
Typical Applications:High tensile steel such as (USS-T-1. welding of penstocks, earth moving equipment's and heavy duty structural steel are high tensile steel which can be welded and also used for furnishing of high tensile steels
ROYAL THERM - 110 M (E10018M)
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 11018M IS : 1395 E76B M 329Fe
Description A basic coated low hydrogen Iron Powder type electrode used for welding high strength steel. The electrode is operating in all position and has excellent welding characteristics. The weld metal is of radiographic quality and posses high strength combined with excellent toughness at sub Zero temperature. It is used for welding high tensile fine grained steel.
Typical Applications:Welding of penstocks, earth moving equipment's, heavy duty structure made from high tensile steel, petrochemicals tanks & vessels.
Classification: AWS : SFA5.5, E 10016G IS : 1395 68 BG 126
Description We are into manufacturing of hydrogen controlled medium electrode and is all position coated electrode. Better creep resistance and corrosion resistance properties make this electrode desirable. 1 % of Cr & 2.5% of Ni are contained in the weld deposit which is given by this electrode. Radiographic quality that possess excellent strength with good strength are the characteristics of this electrode. Low alloy that contains Ni-Cr-Mo type steel are of high tensile are used for welding this electrode. It is extensively used in chemical plants, which is used to weld steam turbine, rotors etc. In order to obtain the best results the electrodes should be dried at 300°C.
Typical Applications: This one can be used for welding earth moving equipment's, steam turbine, rotors of chemical plant, heavy machinery parts, automotive parts and Armour steel of Ni- Cr Mo based.
ROYAL CHROM - 5 (E8018-B6)
Classification: AWS : SFA5.5, E 8018 B6 IS : 1395 E55BB 620
Description The royal CHROM offered by us is low hydrogen iron powder all position electrode. 5% Cr, 0.5% Mo are the composition of the weld metal deposited. It is used to weld similar Cr-Mo steel. Creep resistance up to 650°C and radiographic quality are the property of weld metal. In order to obtain best results it should be heated upto 300°C.
Typical Applications:The welding of 5% Cr, 0.5% Mo steel for high temp application in oil refineries, power plants, petrochemical plants, fertilizer industries.
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 7018B2L IS : 1395 E55B-B226Fe
Description Royal E-7018B2L is a low carbon hydrogen which is controlled basic coated iron powder. This electrode can be operated in all position. This one give smooth and stable arc with easily removable slag. A low carbon content 1.20% Cr, and 0.50% Mo type are the composition of weld deposit which is given that have the radiographic quality. Excellent mechanical properties and opposition to cracking are due to heavy stresses of hydrogen. Heat for two hours at 250°C, the electrode will give better results.
Typical Applications:It is used to connect the crack resistant steel, low alloy steel. Pipelines in oil refineries, high temp synthetic chemical industries, electric power plant, steam pipes of boiler tubes, super heaters can be welded using this electrode.
ROYAL E-8016 C2
Classification:AWS : SFA5.5, E 8016-C2 IS : 1395 E55 BC229Fe
Description A medium heavy coated low hydrogen, Royal E-8016 C2 is iron powder type electrode. The weld metal have 3.5% Mi the weld metal deposits. This one is specially designed to weld weld fine grained steel, nickel steel and nickel alloy steel. The various properties are high ductility, toughness and resistance to the service temperature when at minus 80 degree centigrade. Negligible spatter and smooth arc with medium penetration are the offered by this electrode. An all position electrode which have radiographic quality of weld deposit. The electrode should be dried at 250°C for 1 hour before using for best results.
Typical Applications: Items like Nickel alloy equipments, fabrication of pressure vessels, piping system, valves & tanks can be welded. It is also used to weld low temperature service for locomotive main frames, refineries pipelines.
ROYAL E-8018 W
Classification:AWS : A/SFA5.5, E 8018 W
Description We provide Royal E-8018 W is a basic coated hydrogen which is a controlled low alloy high tensile electrode. The weld deposit given have 0.6% Cr, 0.70% Ni and 0.50% Cu, the compositi is highly resistant to atmospheric corrosion. Smooth arc medium penetration with removable slag are the properties of the electrode. This is all positions electrode. In order to obtain better results, it should be heated to 250°C before using.
Typical Applications: It is best suited for welding steel of high tensile. It is specially recommended for weathering steel like CORTEN A and B and also the equivalents which are used in Chemical, Petrochemical, Railway, Industries as it can oppose atmospheric corrosion. It is also used to connect steels of similar composition.